Where Is The Outrage?

Jul 28, 2024

I’ve heard a lot of chatter about the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris. I’ve seen the outrage of people saying that they will not watch the Olympics due to what happened during the OC. I have not seen the entirety of what happened but I know the gist. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about whether or not to continue to watch. I don’t like for others to force their opinions upon me and I strive to show that same respect. Even though we did not watch the opening ceremony, I have been watching the competitions with our children. Our oldest is a gymnast and she is looking forward to watching Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles compete.

France is a country that believes in secularism. Some in Christianity believe that a secular country is a godless country. Hence, the push for the Eurocentric form of Evangelical Christianity to be the official religion of the United States of America. I have seen a lot of outrage on social media about how people feel about certain things. The digital keyboard activists always seem to be sparked to outrage and “defenders” of Christianity when they witness or hear about something they perceive to be controversial. The controversy of the Opening Ceremony was about the Bacchanalia, not Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Last Supper as many have claimed.

However, I find it interesting that the same ones that are loud on social media about political or religious issues are the same ones that are quiet about social issues. While many in America are devoid of historical context and are outraged by what they thought was depiction of a painting that was an artistic and imaginative depiction of a passage of Scripture, I want to know where that same outrage is when it comes to Sonya Massey who was a young woman who senselessly lost her life to a murderous agent who was appointed by the same Empire that claims to Christian. She rebuked the evil we learned that had overtaken the spirit of this overseer. How is it possible for a grown man who is equipped with a taser, a baton, a service pistol and backup afraid for his life? Was it really because a young woman had a pot of boiling hot water? And some wonder why others are asking for reform, demilitarization, and a more humane and compassionate team of officers. But the phrase “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” triggered something in this officer that caused him to treat Ms. Massey’s body as target practice instead of seeing her full humanity as the woman in distress that called him to protect and serve her. The fact that his spirit felt threatened by her comment is very telling to those of us who know that demons tremble at the mention of the name of Jesus. He will forever be haunted by that phrase. But, I ask the super religious keyboard activists, where is your social media outrage for Sonya Massey? How come you don’t hold the Empire and its agents accountable for the continued disregard for humanity? You say you “love” Christianity. So, why not be outraged when an unarmed Black Woman loses her life because of a trigger happy narcissistic thug who was commissioned to a position of power and authority? #SayHerName #SonyaMassey

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