A Man Known As Chickadee

Mar 18, 2023

In November of 1990, I thought I was going to lose this guy to a severe asthma attack. He lost his dad (Boyd Allen) to one in the 1960s. Now, he was lying in a bed at St. Thomas Hospital staring the same fate in the face at age 44. But God had more for him.  

Monday, he turned 77. In the past 32yrs, this man has become more than a Daddy to me. He has inadvertently shown me how important it is to be connected to our ancestral roots through health and storytelling. I believe this has been helpful in him staying in good health physically and mentally. 

In the picture below, we were on our way back from the Christian Scholars Conference in Lubbock, Tx just weeks before I finished Seminary. I will remember this trip for years to come because of how we bonded, and I could see how the tables were turning where I was more like the daddy taking care of the son. I’m glad Tiffany suggested that he travel with me. 

 When I called him Monday, I told him that I had a present for him. I didn’t get to officially finish it before I called. But I got to unofficially tell him what it was.  

He has shared the stories of how he wanted to attend Tennessee A&I (Tennessee State University) but couldn’t because he didn’t want to be a financial burden. So, he tried the Air Force but had an honorable discharge due to health reasons in basic training.  

This led him to Pizza Hut in Pulaski, then factory work at places like Genesco (The Shoe Factory) and Torrington Fafnir. He worked at Fafnir, which later became Timken, from the late 1970s until he retired around 2009.  

His determination to go back to school in 1992 helped him to live his dream of getting a college degree. I remember him getting As and Bs in college after being out of school for 27 years. In 1994, he completed his dream of becoming a college graduate.  

I was proud of this guy for completing this task after being out of school for almost three decades, raising a family with my mother, and working full time. Needless to say, he also overcame the obstacle of being hospitalized while battling Walking Pneumonia in the midst of taking classes.  

Monday of this week (3/13/23), I was able to give him a birthday present by letting him know that I was applying to start my journey on getting my doctorate degree. If accepted, I will follow in his path of achieving an educational goal in my mid 40s.  

This Black Man has shown me the path to achieving many things in life. I love him for who he has become. We have grown as men and as church leaders together.  

Some call him “Chickadee”. Others call him “Bird Chest”, “Robert Allen”, “Bro. Jackson”, “Grandaddy”, or “Paw Paw”.  

I call him “Daddy”. 

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